Welcome To The Throne
I recently re-watched Franca Sozzani’s incredible Chaos & Creation documentary. She’s been my idol since I was a restless teen mesmerised with Vogue, Almost Famous and dreams of becoming an Editor. The idea that fashion and photography could offer powerful social and political narration and capture the spirit of any era fascinated me deeply. Vogue Italia’s famed, often infamous, editorials captivated my budding imagination in a way no other medium had done before. A perpetual outlier, magazines, much like hip hop, saved me.
I spent a great deal of my life trying to find my place in this world, but I kept chasing a moving target and eventually realised that for people like me, that place doesn't exist. People don't survive where I come from. People don't make it out and thrive where I come from. So when the world doesn't make space for you to exist, let alone thrive, you create it yourself. I'm still that restless teen chasing a dream. I'm still that outlier who doesn't belong. So I built a throne for myself.
- Caron xx
Images bySteven Meisel for Vogue Italia